Maryland’s Clean Marina Initiative is a partnership between the Department of Natural Resources, the Marine Trades Association of Maryland and each individual marina. It promotes the voluntary adoption of pollution prevention measures to ensure a healthy and vibrant water, air and land future for all of us to enjoy. It balances our enjoyment and careful use of our natural resources and ensures we are promoting an environmentally friendly and responsible use of these resources. While making minor changes, our marinas, boatyards and patrons can ensure generations of healthy use. Some of the minor changes we embrace are protecting the air and water while cleaning boat bottoms, disposing of materials and products in a responsible and safe manner, recycling where and when possible, limiting use of solvents and cleaners and finding alternatives to harmful or toxic products. These are small changes most of us have already embraced in our home and work environments and we can easily embrace them in our recreational life.
Island View Marina is pleased to be a part of such a responsible, sensible and progressive path toward ensuring generations of health and safe recreational use of our waterways.