Looking to extend the life and value of your boat?
Want to avoid costly future repairs and overhauls by nipping smaller problems in the bud? Searching for a place you can trust to handle all your regular maintenance and protection needs?
Island View Marina’s experienced crew and comprehensive facilities are ideally suited to addressing all of your maintenance and protection requirements for any size vessel – large or small.
From routine engine and systems checks and upkeep to seasonal commissioning and detailing to regular work on your bottom, deck and exterior surfaces, Island View Marina can make the annual hassle of getting your boat ready for the on- and off-seasons a much more convenient and cost-effective process.
We can also identify issues upfront and help you develop a maintenance plan that is likely to save you time and money in the long run, while preserving the maximum value and enjoyment of the boat you love.
With both storage and repair capacity in one great location we offer a one-stop solution to boat maintenance. Most importantly, we know boats, inside and out and are a trusted source for service and advice on a wide range of different kinds of sail and power yachts. IVM offers the option of do-it-yourself (DIY) for those of you who love to lavish attention and time on your vessel. Of course, we are always available for advice and help, should you get stuck.
Listed below are links to trusted experts you can rely on to provide advice on a wide range of marine maintenance issues.
Marine Surveyors -David Pascoe: click here
Marine Pumps: click here
Marine Heat Exchange and Oil Coolers: click here